Saturday, 15 March, 2025

Training Times 2018

****** UPDATED 14 JANUARY 2018 *******

Please note these times are subject to change so please check before attending in January. We have limited field availability until January 22 and therefore training areas may move around until all fields are available. Online registration commenced January 3. You can come into the clubhouse on January 20 for assistance with registration from 9-12.

Under 6s All players Mondays 4.30-5.30 with Soccer X, Wednesdays 430-5.30 with Team Coach starting January 22

Under 7s All players Mondays at 4.30 with Team Coach, Wednesdays 430-5.30 with Soccer X, starting January 22

Under 8s All players – Tuesdays and Thursdays 430-5.30 starting January 9

Under 9s All players – Tuesdays and Thursdays 530-645 starting January 9

Under 10s Kangaroos triallists Fridays 5-6.30 starting January 5 (training will eventually be mondays and fridays). Watch this space for details re Wallabies and Joeys to start the week of January 22

Under 11s All players – Mondays and Wednesdays 5-6.30 from January 15 (changed from Tues and Thurs)

Under 12s All players – Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-6.30 starting January 16

Under 13 JPL Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-6.30; all other under 13s Tuesdays and Thursdays 430-6 commencing January 16

Under 14 all levels to train Tues and Thurs 530-7 from January 16.

Under 15s All players Mondays and Wednesdays 5-6.30.

Under 16 All players Mondays and Wednesdays 6-7.30 starting January 8

Under 18s All players Mondays and Wednesdays 630-8 starting January 8

All Girls Teams:

Girls under 6-9s with Mark Tuesdays and Thursdays 430-530 starting January 22

Girls Under 10-13s with Logan, Chris and Scott Tuesdays and Thursdays 530-7 starting January 16

Girls under 14s with James Mondays and Wednesdays 5-6.30 to start January 15

Girls under 14s with Mark Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-7 starting January 16

Girls under 15s with Matt and Shane Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-6.30 starting January 16

Girls under 16s with Matt Mondays and Wednesdays 5-6.30 starting January 15

Enquiries re girls training and grading to Girls Director Matt Glew on 0424 258 358

** Second round of selections for JPL, and Grading for all other divisions commences from when training starts and will conclude January 28 except Girls grading which will all start the week of 15 January **

Womens Premier League and Ressies Tuesday and Thursdays 7-8.30 starting January 9

Coast League 1 and Ressies Men Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-8.30 starting January 4

Metro women Wednesdays 630-8 until season starts then Mondays starting 24 January